Electrical Resistivity Tomography is a non-destructive practice in which an array of electrodes (typically 64) is used and connected by a cable containing multiple cores to get a subsurface investigation, or pseudosection, of the variation in resistivity, along with the survey line and below the surface both. Though it’s not as famous as ground penetrating radar (GPR), still it has its benefits and can be very useful in certain situations. If you are looking for Electrical Resistivity Tomography in India then you are at the right place.
ERT necessitates the measuring of the evident electrical resistivity of subsurface materials. During the course of an ERT survey, the electrical current is inserted into the earth via a pair of current electrodes, and the possible difference is calculated between a pair of potential electrodes. Then possible electrodes and current are arranged in a linear array. The visibly calculated resistivity is the mass average resistivity of all subsurface materials that causes its impact on the flow of current. A particular ERT survey includes many such measurements of visible resistivity with different configurations of electrode locations. We are top supplier for Electrical Resistivity Tomography in India.
Further, the data is processed and resistivity contour maps are made to show resistivity differences along different positions in depth and horizontally. Because the electrical resistivity of subsurface materials differs based on the water content and its composition, the resistivity contour maps can be utilized to reach a general background of the subsurface or find interesting targets. As in the example of soils and bedrocks normally have different resistivity levels, soil-bedrock interfaces can be portrayed through ERT. We are one of leading Electrical Resistivity Tomography in India.

Applications of ERT Include
- Detect underground water resources
- Mapping of depth and quality to bedrock
- Mapping of bedrock fracture zones
- Landfill delineation
- Mapping of the contamination source
- Mineral prospecting
This approach is exclusively useful for investigations of important sites to obtain information on weak zones or buried channels, detect under the rock interface, which usually is undetected in seismic refraction, which terminated at rock interface. Resistivity imaging can also be used to ascertain rock profile along dam axis across high current shallow rivers where deployment of hydrophones cannot be done limiting the use of seismic refraction. As deep penetration seismic refraction techniques need the use of explosives, which are not always possible to deploy especially in sensitive areas. In such cases, opposite imaging can very well be used to obtain detailed information about deeper layers. Get a best quote for Electrical Resistivity Tomography in India

Advantages of ERT
- Qualitative interpretation of the data is rapid and straightforward
- Expenses in the Field are minimum
- Flexible and can be utilized for multi-purposes and investigating depths.
- Used for Profiling and sounding both
- Rapid shallow investigations
- The equipment is light in weight, easy to carry and inexpensive
- Excellent 2D display of ground resistivity
Disadvantages of the ERT
- The certainty of depth analysis is lower than with seismic techniques.
- Deep investigations require long cables and consume more time in the field
- Analysis of complex geological structures is challenging and unclear
- Since metal pipes, cables, fences, and electrical grounds are used this can complicate the analysis
Hence, ERI determines The ability of geophysical interpretations to calculate both subsurface physical parameters such as ground resistivity, and also ascertain the spatial differences of the measured parameter along the three orthogonal directions.
Epitome Geotechnical offers these services Electrical Resistivity Tomography Survey, Electrical Resistivity Imaging, Tomography Survey and ERT survey in India,