Hydrographic Survey over or Bathymetric Survey is the overview of physical attributes present underwater. It is the investigation of estimating all elements underneath the water that influence all the marine exercises like digging, marine developments, Offshore drilling and so forth. Hydrographic surveys are used to determine shoreline and underwater characteristics.
Hydrographic survey is primarily directed by power concerns. It is for the most part done by methods for sensors, sounding or electronic sensor framework for shallow water. The data acquired from hydrographic surveying is required to raise nautical diagrams which include
Accessible Depths,Piers,Enhanced Channels,The guides to steer harbor facility,Breakwaters
These surveys additionally partake in fundamental information accumulation identifying with development and improvements of port offices, for example, pier development. This provides assistance in finding the capacity limit because of slit and numerous vulnerabilities.

Hydro-graphic surveying is undertaken for one or more of the following reasons:
1. Estimation of tides for Sea drift work E.g. construction of ocean barrier works, harbors and so on, for the foundation of leveling and for diminishing sounding.
2. Location of bed depth, by soundings.
- For map readings
- Identifying area of rocks, sandbars, route light.
- For the area of underwater works volumes of submerged uncovering and so on.
- Regarding the water system and land seepage plans.
- regarding the area of sewer any pipe or channel that do squander waterfalls.
- Assessing of region subject to sediment and scour the eating of the place.
- Estimation of the amount of water and a stream of water in the association of water plans, Power plan and surge controls.
- Offshore designing and the transportation business have kept on extending.
- Drilling apparatuses (removing oil, gas and so forth from the remote ocean) situating up to 125miles seaward, scan for assets especially oil and gas.
- Offshore islands are built of dug material (to bring material from someplace and dump there) to help marine structure.
- Harbor profundity up to 80 is required to suit bigger boats and tankers.
- Containerization has turned into a proficient and favored technique for cargo handling.
- The requirement for recreational transportation varies from Large cruise ships to small sailboats.
The technique begins by finding extraordinary control points along the shoreline. The sounding technique is utilized to decide the depth at different focuses on methods for stationary boats. Sounding areas can be either produced using watercraft to the control focuses or by settling a point in the boat and taking soundings from the control point. Before this technique, certain starter steps must be made.
- Locate Horizontal Control
- Reconnaissance
- Locate vertical Control
Epitome Geotechnical offers these services Bathymetric Survey and Hydrographic Survey Company in India.