Geotechnical Investigations are carried out to acquire the information on the physical properties of soil for proposed structures and for repair of distress to earthworks and structures caused by subsurface conditions. Also, geotechnical investigations are also used to measure the thermal resistivity of soils or backfill materials required for underground transmission lines, oil and gas pipelines, radioactive waste disposal, and solar thermal storage facilities. A geotechnical investigation will include surface exploration and subsurface exploration of a site. Subsurface exploration usually involves soil sampling and laboratory tests of the soil samples retrieved.
Geo technical Investigation is very important before any structure is built– whether it is your own dream house, an industrial shade, a multiplex, a shopping mall, a warehouse, a multi storied building or even small and big infra projects like bullet train. metros and so on.
Surface exploration can include geologic mapping, geophysical methods, and photogrammetry or it can be as simple as a geotechnical professional walking around on the site to observe the physical conditions at the site.
An important basis for the planning and construction of building and infrastructure projects (comprising various types of structures as foundation, excavation pit, land reclamation, beach nourishment etc.) is the knowledge of the ground conditions. For this purpose, the geotechnical investigation with its respective services shall be carried out. Their nature and extent depends on the type of the structure, the difficulty of the structure and the expected ground conditions.

There are few important steps to be followed as part of exercises for Geotechnical Investigations;
- Data Collection
- Data Gathering from Field including Topographical Survey
- Agenda of Study
- Field Investigation
- Sampling
- Laboratory Testing
- Report Preparation
The services for the geotechnical investigation will be provided and implemented with strict adherence to international standards and guidelines. The quality & the time deliverance of the projects is guaranteed at Epitome.
Data Collection
- Topography maps
- Geology maps and regional geological study at all required parameter
- Atmospheric Data
Agenda of Study
- List of technical standards to be applied (geotechnical site investigation, drilling methods in soil / rock, sampling of soil / rock / groundwater, field testing, geotechnical laboratory testing of soil / rock / groundwater characteristics)
- Number, mapping / location, depth of boreholes
- Soil and rock drilling & sampling methods (Soil Investigations)
- Number of standard penetration tests (SPT)
- Number of field vane shear tests
- Number of disturbed and undisturbed soil samples
- Number of undisturbed rock samples
- Ground water sampling
- Geotechnical laboratory testing schedule
Field Investigation - Work planning on manpower and equipment
- Mobilization and De-mobilization of geotechnical drilling team, supervision personnel and equipment
- Survey for bore-well points
- Data Transfer
- Drilling Works
- Soil Sampling & Soil Investigations
- Rotary Core Drilling and Rock Sampling
- Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
- Field Vane Shear Test (VST)
- Cone Penetration Test (CPT) Geotechnical Laboratory Testing within Geotechnical Investigation
- Index property tests (determining of soil classification)
- Engineering properties tests (determining of strength and deformation parameters)
- Rock Strength Properties Tests
- Chemical Analysis of Groundwater
Geotechnical Investigation Report
The detailed Report will be provided and prepared tailor-made for each project according to the respective project scope of service. The following table of content is a standard table of content that will be adjusted according to the project scope of service:
Executive Summary
Project description
- Description of the works performed
- Technical standards
- Site conditions
Geotechnical Field Investigation
- Drilling of boreholes
- Soil sampling
- Rock coring and rock sampling
- Standard penetration tests
- Field vane shear tests
- Cone penetration tests
- Final Report
Geotechnical Laboratory Testing
- Index properties tests (moisture content tests, Liquid Limit, Grain sizeunit weight tests, specific gravity tests, atterberg limits tests, particle size distribution tests)
- Engineering properties tests (unconfined compression strength tests, consolidation / odometer tests, consolidated undrained triaxial compression tests)
- Rock strength properties tests (Dry & Bulk Density, point load tests, uniaxial compression strength tests)
- Chemical analysis of ground water
- Final quantity report on laboratory tests
Evaluation of Soil Conditions and Soil Parameters
- Soil profile
- Deformation properties of soft clay layers (pre-consolidation pressure and over consolidated ratio, compression, coefficient of primary consolidation index, secondary consolidation)
- Strength parameters (undrained shear strength, strength parameters from CIU tests, SPT-N values)
- Ground water level measurement
- Results on chemical ground water analysis and evaluation of level of aggressiveness to structures
Conclusions and Recommendation
- Detailed analysis of Soil condition at site
- Recommendation about proposed infrastructural projects, if required
Epitome Geotechnical offers these services Geotechnical Investigation Survey and Soil Investigation Survey company in India.